
Comprehensive Neurological Physiotherapy Assessment
At your first appointment we will discuss what has happened, the physical difficulties you are having and what you would like to get from physiotherapy. Catherine will then assess how you are moving and make recommendations about how you may achieve your goals.

One to one treatment sessions
Therapy sessions are different for everyone as they are designed to meet you individual goals. They may include: 24 hour postural management, spasticity management, specific muscle strengthening and lengthening, facilitation of normal movement, gait re-education, cardiovascular training, balance training or Pilates

You will be provided with advice and recommendations on ways to achieve your goals when you are outside of therapy sessions. This may include: provision of independent home exercise programmes; advice for carers on exercise, stretching and positioning programmes or advice on orthotics and mobility aids.

You will be provided with a discharge letter at the end of an episode of treatment.  It may be useful for Catherine to communicate with other healthcare providers on your behalf.